Saturday, 5 March 2011

Belize National Curriculum (Language Arts)

What is National Curriculum?

The National Curriculum is a framework used by all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balance and consistent.

Language Arts Curriculum highlights its relevance in the life of the students, as well as in all curriculum areas, as they develop skill in the processes of comprehension - deriving meaning from oral and written text, production - expressing meaning by creating oral and written texts to suit different purposes, and negotiation - adjusting to the needs and intentions of others.


  1. The National Curriculum sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject. Thus, it establishes a unified educational front throughout the districts. Therefore, the state of qualifications should be the same across the country. This will enable the students to be well prepared to take standardized tests such as BJAT and PSE.

  2. The National Curriculum, therefore, provides the basis for the improvement of student learning and growth by specifying the minimum standard of achievement expected of each student

    The language arts curriculum (as well as to the delivery of all other areas of study) are the outcomes in the cross-curricular areas of Problem Solving and Research Skills and Social and Personal Qualities. The associated skills and qualities apply to lifelong learning, they enable students to function effectively within the learning environment of the school as they grow and mature; they will generalize to their lives within their communities, the nation and the world, and support them in becoming productive and responsible citizens.

  3. MY point of view is that The National Curriculum has several disadvantages as well as advantages however I will be stating few advantages. For a change in education it depends on continuous curriculum reform. Such reform needs to be founded in inclusive and well designed plan as well as on effort of policy makers and to successfully implement these reforms. These changes are expected and are resolved in teachers taking part in lessons and knowing what lesson to do and follow.

  4. I believe that the language arts national curriculum is very essential for us teachers, it serves as a guide, since it provides and assist us with specific and outcomes and objectives. it also assist teachers to integrate language arts. i believe that the language arts curriculum also provides us with the skills needed in language arts.

  5. Summary by Lucely
    The National Curriculum is a very important document that assists teachers in planning their lessons. It sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding required in all subject areas. Moreover, it provides the basis for the improvement of students learning and growth. Since it is a National document all teachers in Belize are expected to teach the same concepts at each level. In addition, this document assists teachers to integrate in the other subject areas. Furthermore, it provides specific outcomes and objectives.

    The standardized tests in Belize namely BJAT and PSE are taken out from the National curriculum Document. Therefore it measures how well the National Curriculum is being used by the teachers in each school.

  6. Okay, guys, you are blogging! For the graded session I will need for your moderator to move along the discussion. Each participant will need to make two to three contributions and the summarizer points the main points together.

    I think your image is too big. Try using a smaller image and center it or put it left or right of the text. You may experiment with videoclips or other backgrounds. Enjoy blogging!
